Installed to date:
415 (70%) Heater Wells (HO)
403 (73%) Vapor Extraction Wells (VEW)
54 (56%) Temperature Monitoring Points (TMP)
38 (59%) Pressure Monitoring Points (PMP)
2 (29%) In-situ Thermal Remediation (ISTR)
Installed to date: 321 (54%)Heater Wells (HO), 312 (57%) Vapor Extraction Wells (VEW), 40 (41%) Temperature Monitoring Points (TMP), and 28 (44%) Pressure Monitoring Points (PMP).
Installed to date: 283 (48%) Heater Wells (HO), 280 (51%) Vapor Extraction Wells (VEW), 31 (32%) Temperature Monitoring Points (TMP), and 24 (38%) Pressure Monitoring Points (PMP).